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It’s Qatar not Cotter

So I made it. 12 hrs after leaving JFK I have arrived in Doha, Qatar.

Initial thought? It is as warm here as it was in Minnesota when I left. Odd.

The flight was uneventful, I even managed to sleep. The entertainment was phenomenal. I watched Glee, Mad Men and Parks & Rec. Just like being at home – kinda.

I am currently chilling in the Onyx Lounge. Best $40 ever spent. Free wifi. Free snacks and beverages. And shower facilities!

Here are some photos from the flight too. Mainly to show our route, etc. And a classy picutre of my mom and I.

One more flight and I’ll be in Nepal!

Empire State of Mind


I made it to JFK. Got lost. Found where I was supposed to be. Checked in for my flight to Doha. Found my mom.

Now I just need to eat. And charge my phone.

Have run into other people from my trip, and yes I am the youngest in the group.

I did, on my flight to JFK find 3 useful things in the Skymall magazine. Photo evidence provided

Next post will be from either Doha or Kathmandu. Two more flights. Only two more flights.

Cheers. 🙂

My bags are packed. . . well they will be, at some point

Tomorrow is the day.

I finally get to make my trek eastward towards Nepal.

I have prepped as much as I can, and now just need to get everything into my suitcase and ready to go.

So far I’ve:

  • sprayed all of my clothes with promethrin
  • procured 76GB of memory for my camera
  • bought lots of mini-bottles of things at Target
  • made multiple trips to REI to get random things I never thought I’d had to buy
  • picked up books to donate to the schools we will be visiting
  • picked out my outfits and shoes for the trip 
  • picked out movies for my mom and I to watch along the way

Now it’s just time to get all of my paperwork organized, get everything into its proper place/bag, and get to the airport tomorrow.  So clearly, I’m focused on this task and am spending the evening in front of my TV watching “Bones”.

I’m getting excited and nervous.  This should be a fantastic trip.  It doesn’t mean that I will miss people back at home, because I will.  As I’ve mentioned before, I will have some access to wifi so will post here as I can.  Don’t be surprised if the posts are somewhat random – with a group of photos in one, a short video in another, and finally some text in a third.  I will tweet if possible, and update stuff to facebook if possible as well.  So, if you dont follow or aren’t my friend in either one of those places, head on over to the right side of this page and add me.

Ok, I’m getting really tired. Off to get stuff done and then head to sleep.

I’ll miss you guys over the next 2 weeks.  Don’t let anything too fun happen on the internets while I’m mostly without service. 🙂

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