by Melissa | Blog Post, Music
Confession: I’m a fan of Glee.
Ok, so maybe that isn’t much of a confession to those that know me.
One thing that Glee does – and does well in my opinion – is cover songs. I am not overly for or against people covering songs. I will even admit that sometimes I like the cover of a song better than the original. One example is “Creep” by Brandi Carlile. It rules. And is better than the original. Trust me. Other examples are the gazillion covers of “Hallelujah”.
Other covers are just awful or there are some songs that should just be left to the original artist and not remixed, resampled, or redone (I’m looking at you Black Eyed Peas for “I’ve Had the Time of My Life”).
In my opinion, if you’re going to cover a song, especially a hit, you need to bring something different to it, mix it up, make it your own. Anyone can re-do the original exactly, in fact it happens all of the time at bars across the country under the name “karaoke”. However, there is also a fine line between making a cover your own and totally ruining a song – respect must be paid (again, Black Eyed Peas, take note).
While Glee has tried to do original songs, their staples are covers of a wide vareity of songs. I’ve had the discussion/debate with folks about which versions are better or which covers they should or could have done differently. I will also be honest, for some of the songs, I hadn’t heard the original prior to hearing it on Glee (I would say which songs, but I’m sure it would cause me to be judged). What can I say, I don’t listen to the radio often so my exposure to new music is somewhat limited.
One of these songs is “Sing”. I don’t think I’ve seen the episode it was in since I have band rehearsal on Tuesdays this spring, but heard it at the concert in June, on Spotify, and in the “Glee 3D Movie Extravaganza Live Experience Concert Thing Movie!” (did they really need as many adjectives in the title as they had?)
I honestly thought this was a song from the episode where they did original songs, I had no clue it was a song by My Chemical Romance. I like the Glee version better – but am wondering what others think. I also like the lyrics from the chorus of this song. But that’s a subject for another post on another day. 🙂
So here’s your chance to weigh in on who rocked it better:
“Sing” – Glee cover
“SING” – My Chemical Romance
by Melissa | Blog Post
This weekend is one I’m taking to do what I want, when I want, and how I want. *stomps foot*
This is not out of selfishness (wel, at least not bad selfishness); it is out need to renew and recharge. Many people think that August is an easy month for me at work. Why? One word: recess. However, this recess is not the one of our youth – swings, slides, and fresh air. This is a 5+ week stretch of long hours, lots of events, high-stress, eating crappily (if at all), not being able to sleep, and a lot of coffee.
In order to unwind after the last three-ish weeks, I started off last night by hanging out with some friends and having a couple of tasty beverages. The night included a lot of talking, randomness, and laughter – this is never a bad thing.
So far today, I’ve mowed the lawn and did some yardwork, did laundry, gave Scout a bath, and got a pedi. Now I’m relaxing on the couch with some iced tea after eating some quasi-breakfast tacos and watching Bones on Netflix. Will finish laundry at some point, and who knows maybe take a nap.
Tomorrow will be some more relaxing, a little bit of cooking, updating Quicken, cleaning my room, and probably more Netflix and reading. Maybe I’ll fit in some picture hanging, and I think I may have committed to playing softball tomorrow night.
I’m going to avoid thinking about work or the events of the prior week. I’m not going to ponder the pending mail and writing I have to do next week. I’m going to focus on things that make me happy, things that amuse me, things that an somewhat mindless.
Sometimes we all need to do this. You’ve got to listen to your body to know what you need. I’m doing just that, and it feels great.
I will end this post with a song – “Let your Light” by Ben Abraham. Enjoy.
by Melissa | Blog Post
Often times I get caught up in the major things going on in my life – work & volunteer stuff – which leads me to ignore some of the smaller things I need to take care of. These small things, while not requiring a ton of time or effort, are just as important to me and my life and deserve focus as well. These are the things that help keep me in balance. Help me have the reserves to deal with the major things, be focused, have energy and patience. Help me perform as best as I can and live up to my expectations.
This isn’t about being selfish or not fulfilling responsibilities. It is making sure you do what you need to do in order to do things for others and do what you need to do in the best, most efficient way possible. Yes, I know this sounds somewhat cliche, but to paraphrase someone I respect a lot – you’ve got to help yourself before you can help others.
What does this mean? If I say no to something or am more quiet and reserved than normal, I will feel bad, but sometimes I just have to take care of things. It is one thing that I struggle with, since I want to help others succeed and pitch in to do things that need to be done. But I can’t put too much weight on either side of the scale. I have to maintain the balance.
Sometimes maintaining the blanace means doing laundry, cleaning up around the house, or looking at my personal budget and updating Quicken. Other times it means vegging out and watching TV or reading. Even other times it means working late or attending meetings & events on nights or weekends. Basically – I try to make sure I don’t focus on any one area exclusively. Yes, there may be times where one part of my life needs more focus (i.e. the month of August at work or when thinking about a big purchase) but just have keep in mind how to restore the balance when possible.
Today, I’ve focused on work, volunteering and stuff around the house. Now it is time for vegging and watching TV and it feels so good and worth it.
Work hard. Play hard. Maintain the balance.
What do you do to maintain the balance in your life?
by Melissa | Blog Post, Travel
I will be headed to Nepal. It’s been quite a few years since I have travelled internationally, so I’m starting to get back into that frame of mind so I can prep accordingly. Last week I received confirmation of our flight info from the US –> Doha, Qatar –> Kathmandu – so it’s all getting very real.
For this trip, I’m challenging myself to only travel with a camera bag and my backpacking pack. I’m a chronic overpacker, so this could prove to be a challenge. However, I’m choosing to go this route so I can travel more simply, and I guess in a way live more simply and try to be as focused on the experience as possible. I want to take in the beautiful vistas, the culture, and really use this as a time to reflect on the last few years, all while away from the excitement and activity back at home. Yes, I will miss a lot of people, my animals, my bed, and more than likely my phone/the internet, but I think this will be a good experience for me. And it probably couldn’t come a better time.
by Melissa | Blog Post, Take 5
As I’ve mentioned before, I love music. I love listening to it, I love playing it, I love being taken over by a melody, a chord, or lyrics. There are a few songs, however, that remind me of very specific things – a time, a location, a feeling. No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, a certain group of notes can trigger a response, a memory, and recollection of time gone by.
Here are five songs that do this for me.
1. “You’ve Got a Friend” – James Taylor
This song will forever remind me of my KAIROS retreat the spring of my junior year of high school. For those that don’t know, I went to a Catholic High School, and KAIROS was a 4 day retreat that students could go on their junior or senior year. I won’t got into details about the retreat, but it was an experience that impacts me until today. I may not be what someone would refer to as actively “religious” right now, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have my faith as a part of what drives me or guides me. This song was one that was used during the retreat and still reminds me of the experience and the people I shared it with.
2. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” – Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole
This song has a lot of memories attached to it, but most specifically it reminds me of the last time I saw each of my grandparents alive. They were two amazing people who instilled in me the love of travelling, service, and also allowed me to have a lot of great experiences that helped shape me into the person I am today. I often stop and wonder what they would say to me if they could see me today, and I know, deep down, they would be proud of me and proud of the adult I have become.
3. “Love Train” – The O’Jays
Duluth. April 23-25, 2010. This was the weekend where I had my first experience of the DFL endorsement process as a volunteer. It was my first cycle where I wasn’t working directly for a campaign, and I was able to do things that I wanted to. It was also my first big DFL “thing” after a year of big changes, some medical issues, and a lot of growth and soul searching. Plus, it reminds me of the fabulous team I worked with, and the great friends I made as a result of being on Team MAK. Plus, who can forget the epic floor demonstration? I saw people busting moves I would not have expected from them – EVER!
4. “Andrea Chenier”
During my junior year of college, we played a selection of music from this opera in Symphonic Band. However, the concert that we played this at wasn’t just any concert, it was guest conducted by the Conductor of the U.S. Marine Corps Band, Col. Tim Foley (who has since retired). This was a huge honor to have him at Marquette, directing our rag tag group of non-music majors on this complex piece. It was one moment in all of my musical career where I truly felt like a musician. I felt that it was more than just something that I did – it became very real. Our group came together that day and gave one of the best performances of my time at Marquette. It was an honor and a privelege, and I’m thankful to have been able to experience that moment.
5. “Hey Baby” – DJ Otzi
I heard this song while travelling in Australia in 2003 in a random club – in Brisbane or Sydney I believe. It made me laugh, since it was a song that I heard a lot as a result of pep band, and it’s just a random remix. When I returned back to the states, I would add it to party playlists and always be reminded of that trip. This trip to Australia not only caused me to fall in love with this beautiful country, but also inspired much of the research I did during grad school. There was just something about the people, the vibe, and the scenery that I loved. I actually was planning to return for my PhD, but my life plan took a slight detour in 2006. I hope to be able to visit again – perhaps for a bit longer of a stay – some day soon.
Words really can’t capture fully why or how these songs cause this reaction – they just do. I can only really explain what it reminds me of, but can’t figure out how to explain the more emotional part of the reaction. I had a discussion with someone along these lines earlier this week. The conclusions that music is simply inexplicable and that is the best way to explain music.
And with that, I suggest that you take time to enjoy some music and the memories and emotions they carry along with them. Good or bad, positive or negative, it will be worth it. Sometimes you just have to feel and remember.