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Help Gus and Toby!

643931_10100160259760154_1907961448_nMy adorable purr monster, Gus, has been in the kitty hospital since yesterday.  When I woke up to feed the herd, Gus didn’t come to eat (which is not normal for this food motivated feline).  After searching in his usual hiding spaces and outside, I found him in my basement in some distress.  Off to the vet we went. . . .

After some tests, we found out that like his big brother Toby, Gus had crystals in his urine and wasn’t able to use his litter box.  After a day of fluids and attempts by the vet to encourage him to use the litter box, Gus ended up with a baseball sized bladder which needed to be dealt with.  As a result, Gus needed a catheter to drain the fluid and an overnight stay at a vet e-clinic.

He is still at the vet, and they will attempt to remove the catheter this afternoon. They will watch him to make sure he uses the litter box successfully before he can come home (and hopefully avoid a second night at the e-clinic).  *crosses fingers for a successful litter box trip*  He will have some meds and will continue to eat special food (with the rest of his cat brothers) to keep this from happening again.

So far, his vet bill is approaching $1000 and I’m asking for your assistance in helping defray this cost.  Any little bit will help – $5 or $10 would be great. You can contribute via PayPal below or we can work out an in-person exchange if that works better.

I hate asking for help, and will pay you back when I can.  Anything you can do to help me help my Gus Gus would be awesome.

Thanks in advance,

Melissa & Gus

Update: Now Toby is in the hospital with the same issue, which means the bill is likely going to double. If you can help at all with a small donation, I’d appreciate it!

or if PayPal is easier for you, here’s a link for that:

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