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It should shock no one that I have a bunch of creative projects around my house that are in varying states of completion.  I was going to work on things this spring/summer, but then I said yes to not one, but two, candidates so was somewhat busy until November 5.  Now those campaigns are over and I have no others on my radar (more on that later) and I have ALL THE FREE TIME!

This means I can release my creativity!

In no particular order, here’s my creative to do list for the next few months:

  • Sort through Vietnam photos. (I took over 8000, can you blame me for putting this task off?)
  • Organize my photos – including an online portfolio
  • Frame all of the things sitting in my home office closet waiting to get framed
  • Write more things that aren’t for work

I can’t wait to be able to mark these things as done and have more art in my home and office.  Not to mention the personal benefits that come from embarking on creative tasks – if I can’t be creative, everything else suffers.

Anyone willing to help keep me honest on this?  Do you have a creative project of your own that you want to accomplish and maybe we can be project buddies?

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