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Trying another new thing here at – taking the leap and adding a guest contributor of sorts.

Emily is a friend of mine from undergrad at Marquette University.  We were both Broadcasting majors, and even lived in the same apartment building during our senior year.

She’s a really good cook, loves music, enjoys reading, and lives in Missouri.  I’ve asked her to join my little experiment on the internetz to offer some “southern” flair, and to bring some new ideas and add some variety.  Plus, she’s just good people. 🙂

As a part of this intro post I’m writing for her, here are 5 random facts about Emily:

1 She likes documentary films and volunteer at a doc film fest every year.

2. She has been working in radio for 14 years.

3. She volunteers for community theatre, working on costumes, but hasn’t gotten the balls to audition yet.

4. She loves to cook and teach others to.

5. She’s the oldest of four and still lives at home with her parents and sister. For her, it would be really hard to live away from my family.


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