Jammy’s Jam of the Day – June 9, 2011
This is a great driving song. Especially somewhere with rolling hills.
This is a great driving song. Especially somewhere with rolling hills.
Or much, much more, what would you do with it?
Buy a new car? Never work another day? Travel the world? Volunteer for a favorite cause? Give it all away? Invest? Keep your life the way it is?
I know I’ve uttered the phrase, “If I won the lottery, I’d. . . ” more often then I care to admit. Often times the ending of that statement depends on my mood or the situation. Sometimes it may be to move to Australia, buy a new car, travel, or go on a shopping spree. Other times it will be that I’d donate some, do something for friends and family or something along those lines.
These answers reflect my wants, interests, needs. These are things that will make me happy (or so I think), more comfortable, or add value to my life.
What is stopping me – or any of us – from at least indulging in a version of these wishes? Why are we writing them off as something that can only be accomplished with the prerequisite of having loads of money or time?
Why not do them now? If these are things that truly are important to us, why wait?
So, not Ben Folds himself, but this one comes from his a capella CD.
I love the original, no doubt, but this is an excellent cover and arrangement. Not to mention it solidifies my want to be in an a capella group or show choir.
Side note: Kay Lewis and I do an awesome job singing along to this one, by the way. Especially when in my car.
1. Flip Flops.
2. Freeze pops.
3. Driving with the windows down and the volume up.
4. BBQs with friends.
5. Sunshine. Warmth. Vitamin D.
Crowd participation for the win!!
Ben Folds – “Army”