by Melissa | Blog Post, Cooking
This will be the first of what I’m sure will be many posts on this subject. As I mentioned in my post, “You’re allergic to what?!?!?!“, after being diagnosed with my food allergies I had to fundamentally change how I viewed food. Gone were the days of “I don’t want to eat that because I don’t like it/don’t want to”. I no longer could just eat whatever was offered to me without asking multiple questions: “Are there nuts in there?” “What did you use to make this?” “Can I get ______ as a substitue for _______?”.
Early on, before I was 100% accustomed to thinking about food in an active instead of a passive way, I would get into things I was allergic to – almonds on a cheese ball, carrots in salads, tomato based pasta sauce – and pay the price. Thankfully, I’ve gotten a lot better and haven’t had to take benedryl in a long time (*knocks on wood*).
As a part of the learning process about my new relationship with food as well as an increased interest in food and cooking, I started to read a number of books. These books made me do a lot of thinking as well as gave me inspiration to try to eat more local, in-season food, as well as seeking out grass-fed beef and other sustainable organic meat options. These choices were not only about my personal health but also about how these choices impact the greater society.
by Melissa | Blog Post, Cooking, Domesticity
I’m hosting Thanksgiving at my house this year, kinda. It’s only going to be my mom, my pops, and my roommate (as of right now).
There are a few items that I know we will include in our menu: turkey, dirt rolls (family tradition), & green bean casserole.
Apart from this, I need to find some other options. Since I’m allergic to most of the traditional side items, I’m having to be a bit more creative. I am going to test run some mashed rutabags this weekend, and will likely do some stuff with sweet potatoes, but other then that I’m drawing blanks.
Here’s where you all get to play along – I want your suggestions! Comment below or send an email to me at with a recipe.
by Melissa | Blog Post, Uncategorized
Thank you.
Two simple words that we really don’t say often enough and truly mean it. Often times we seem to utter these simple words as an afterthought, a p.s., a common courtesy that ends most interactions. How often do you go out of your way to thank those who truly impact your life? People that give and sacrifice their time, their ideas, their support, their love, or their talents to make our lives a little bit better.
Make it a goal to tell those in your life that you are thankful for what they bring to your life – everyone needs to know they are appreciated.
For those of you I know that may be reading this, know this: I am very thankful for what you add to my life and am honored for what you have given me. It has made me and will continue to make me a better person.
Life is a journey, and every journey needs companions – to make the road traveled a bit easier, more fun, and (in my opinion) full of laughter and smiles.
As is my traditional way, I also have a song to help explain fully my thoughts on this. Enjoy.
by Melissa | Blog Post, Uncategorized
So, November 2 happened. In the words of Forrest Gump, that’s all I have to say about that. I took some time after that to relax, do some stuff for me, injure my shoulder, rest, reflect, think, work, and do stuff around the house.
It is interesting to look back over the last 12-18 months and reflect on things that happened. I’m not talking about just with the elections, since that’s not what I want to focus on here, because let’s be honest, I get enough political talk in my day-to-day interactions.
Instead, it has been interesting to see the changes in myself: my world view, my habits, my social network, my support network, my living situation, my goals, and my priorities.
A quick run-down: (more…)
by Melissa | Blog Post, Uncategorized
Tonight’s dinner was a home-run. Seriously. It was utterly amazing.
And simple to boot.
I had some left over veggies I wanted to use so defrosted some chicken to go along with it.