My Recent Ramblings
Not sure how to title this. . . .
Note: I'm going to try to write more regularly here to share my experiences as an adult diagnosed ADHDer as I navigate through life and also going to try to include some perspectives from those around me to help provide info and insights on how to support the ADHDer...
I just felt like running. . . .
Note: I'm going to try to write more regularly here to share my experiences as an adult diagnosed ADHDer as I navigate through life and also going to try to include some perspectives from those around me to help provide info and insights on how to support the ADHDer...
When it’s time to change
In my first post I said that I would come back around to the topic of medication, and well, folks, today is that day. I'm going to lead off with a blanket statement: if you seriously think that medicating for mental illnesses is "tHe ReAl PrObLeM" or that maybe I...
Another voice
One thing that I enjoy doing, especially when I need something that is a distraction but low stakes, is play video games. I have played video games for years, but never really connected how useful it was until now, but that's a story for another post. A few years...
Some real talk about anxiety
I originally was going to write about something else for my second post in this seires, but I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting over the last week and that has lead to this post. I have what is known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This means that...
Trying something new
As we all begin to figure out how to manage things in these *insert cliche phrase about the pandemic* times, one thing that I've been struggling with is my mental health. Now, these are not new things I've been facing. I've been dealing with anxiety, depression, and...
This post is brought to you by a trash take on Twitter. . . .
"Depression is a choice" This is a tweet I saw come across my feed yesterday, thankfully with comments from people about what utter trash of a take this is. Why would anyone choose to be depressed or any other mental health issue like that? I just wish that we were...
Rafting on the Chama River
Here are some selected shots from our rafting trip down the Chama River in New Mexico. Note: I was getting used to using my GoPro in a sporty way so these may not be the best, but I had a blast rafting! Videos from the rafting trip and more trip pictures to come...
Read moreI asked the reverend once, “What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain?” And he said to me, “What else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it?”
Frank Underwood may be super shady, but. . .
I asked the reverend once, "What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain?" And he said to me, "What else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it?"
20 Hours in America. . . .
There’s a lot going on in the world right now – with the bad out shadowing the good. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings going through my mind, but at this time I am unable to translate them into something coherent. Since my own words are lacking, I am going to share some words from President Bartlet from one of the greatest episodes of TV ever.
A glimpse inside
Well, thanks to Sara Bareilles, I can offer a small glimpse of what types of thoughts go through my head when I have to meet new people, or really just interact with people in general.
The Lies I Tell Myself
Now this post has been a long time coming, and I’m sure that I’ll have second thoughts after it is posted and be tempted to take it down and run away.
5 things the Minnesota Legislature should just do already. . .
Here are a few things that I wish the Minnesota Legislature would just do already. Not because they are popular. Not because they are easy. But because they are the decent thing to do. 1. Housing for all. 5 Cities and States That Are Ending Homelessness...
My head hurts trying to figure out this logic. . .
I received an email today from the Minnesota Republican Party encouraging me to contact my legislator to encourage them to support the Student Safety and Physical Privacy Act (HF 1546). Now, I’m used to being on the opposite side of the Minnesota Republican Party (MnGOP) on most things. However, I am not used to their logic being so just. . .nonsensical that it makes me head hurt and inspires me to write a blog post. Well, congrats MnGOP, today you did just that.
Planning on taking a picture with your smart phone? Read this first.
Here are some cameraphone #protips to kick off 2015. You can thank me later.
Yoga, Day 1
So, I’ve decided to try doing yoga.
There are a variety of reasons why, and I know how helpful stretching is for me and my back so I figured why not.
It’s me against the world. . .
Right now I am, for lack of a better world, struggling. I feel as if everything is moving quickly and I just can’t keep up.
Now, this is not to say things are bad for me right now – in fact things are pretty decent. However, I keep running into large and dominant road blocks when I try to do things; if it isn’t writers block, then it’s no motivation, lack of creativity, exhaustion, too many ideas, lack of tools needed, the list goes on and on.
Now I read a question posed once about creativity and whether everyone is given a certain amount and once you use it up, it’s gone.
I surely hope this isn’t the case.
If I ran the Olympics, all figure skaters would have to use Beyonce
Thank you Buzzfeed for pairing up “Drunk in Love” with Meryl Davis and Charlie White’s free dance. Figure skating needs a bit of additional fierceness that only Bey can bring, right?