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A glimpse inside

In a recent post (The Lies I Tell Myself), I shared what it is like to struggle with anxiety.

It was a hard post to write, and I still sometimes want to delete it and just hide from it.  But, it is a part of what makes me the person I am, and if you’re going to judge me for it, that’s on you.

For most people, the thoughts that anxiety causes don’t make sense.  Or they really don’t understand what the thought process is.  Well, thanks to Sara Bareilles, I can offer a small glimpse of what types of thoughts go through my head when I have to meet new people, or really just interact with people in general.

I stick with real things,
Usually facts and figures.
When information’s in its place,
I minimize the guessing game.
Guess what?
I don’t like guessing games.
Or when I feel things,
Before I know the feelings.
How am I supposed to operate,
If I’m just tossed around by fate?
Like on an unexpected date?


Sara Bareilles “When He Sees Me”


Aside: This song is from a musical that she wrote the music and lyrics for called “Waitress“.  It just did a short run in Boston and will be hitting Broadway starting next March.  A selection of songs from this show was recently released, and I took a short break from listening to “Hamilton” on repeat to listen to it.  Both are really good albums and I want to try to get to NYC to see both.


Planning on taking a picture with your smart phone? Read this first.

Here are some cameraphone #protips to kick off 2015.  You can thank me later.

1.  If you don’t look your best in a selfie (remember to hold the phone with your arm extended above your head for the most flattering angle), or it is not in focus, or your finger is in front of the camera – just take another!  No shame in aiming for your best look in each and every selfie!

2.  Clean off your cameras on the regular.  There are likely fingerprints on it, which leads to smudgy photos.  This includes the forward facing one.

3.  FOCUS.  Before you click, select your focus point.  Please.

4.  If it is super blurry – consider not posting.  While your moment across the room from the President may have been amazing, the crappy blurry photo that makes him look like a blob doesn’t really help us be in the moment with you.

5.  Background awareness.  Make sure you aren’t capturing anything uber-awkward in the background of your photo.  You don’t want to end up on a Buzzfeed list of the most inappropriate photo backgrounds of all time, do you?

6.  Just say no to the selfie stick.

7.  Choose your filters wisely.

8.  Don’t auto cross-post – except at times from Instagram to Facebook.  Since Twitter no longer shows Instagram photos in Twitter streams, people may not click to look at your masterpiece.

9.  Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.  Don’t overshare.

10.  Have fun.  Explore.  Share you world with others!

Writer’s block is a jerk

Yep.  A complete and utter jerk.

I have a lot of topics bouncing around  that I want to write about – some personal, some random – but I’ve lost my ability to just get into the flow.  I’m going to stop trying to force it and just see what happens.  Maybe I’ll even resort to pen and paper if inspiration strikes.

Regardless, here’s hoping this goes away soon and I get my writing mojo back.

Until then – have a happy holiday, travel safe, and happy new year!

P.S. Don’t forget. . .


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