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Sunday Insights from Dianna Agron

As many folks know, I’m a pretty big fan of Glee.  I follow most of the cast on Twitter and am often amused by their tweets, photos, and comments – yet another example of how famous people are just like the rest of us.  Plus, knowing that Mark Salling was playing disc golf in South St. Paul will forever amuse me.

This morning, I noticed that Dianna Agron had updated her Tumblr.  One thing that picqued my interest, to be honest, was that the snippet in the tweet mentioned Bill Clinton.

Her post was a response/follow-up to her wearing a “Likes Girls” shirt during their performance in Toronto yesterday.  She used her blog to share her thoughts about LGBT rights as well as the more general issue of diversity, respect, being open to the world around us and challenging ourselves to keep growing, learning, and thinking. 

One part of her post jumped out to me specifically –

“As each generation leaves their footprints, and paves the way for what is to come…to some, change is an impossible idea or action to put in motion.

You know what? Often, this unfortunate reality is because of learned behavior! As much as we may often preach that we like to speak for ourselves, or outside the box, how many times have you caught yourself, or someone you know repeating the thoughts of another before them? Sometimes without proper information? And how many times have you felt that perhaps further knowledge on an issue or subject matter might result in a different voice, a different understanding? Perhaps even going against the ideas they’ve learned, heard, or grown up around?”

Too often people use their long-held beliefs and thoughts as armor – something to keep new or different experiences at a distance.  Sometimes this is necessary as a result of negativity in one’s past, but it also can be an hinderance or an active attempt to avoid anything that may make someone feel uncomfortable.  I often say that those who feel the most uncomfortable when shown a different way of thinking or doing something are often times people who aren’t sure or confident in what they think to be the right way of thinking or doing. 

I want people to challenge me, to question me, to push me becuase I know it will help me become more confident in what I believe and why I believe it.  Yes, it may be hard at times, yes it may make me question things and feel discomfort, but I trust that in the long run it will pay off.  We never stop learning or growing as we grow up – nor should we.  In some ways, if we stop learning, we stop living.

I am thankful for all of the people around me that challenge me – either directly or by giving me information indirectly – because without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.  I am happy where my life has taken me, and think that if I wasn’t open to new or different experiences I wouldn’t have ended up in my current place.  It’s been a hard road at times, but getting here has been worth it.

To take another quote from Dianna’s post, I will conclude with this:

I speak, because I am passionate. I write with this passion because I know how it feels to be hurt, to be depressed, to not value yourself, or your feelings. If any of this has inspired or moved you, even just made you think….I encourage you to tweet or reblog a picture, quote, anything that you feel will continue to spread the love. And if any are interested in tracking the chain, perhaps visualizing the greater collective, include the hash tag, #letlovein.”

Keep learning.  Keep growing.  Keep challenging yourself.  It will lead to you loving yourself, those around you, and life in general.

If I had $1,000,000. . .

Or much, much more, what would you do with it?

Buy a new car?  Never work another day?  Travel the world?  Volunteer for a favorite cause?  Give it all away?  Invest?  Keep your life the way it is?

I know I’ve uttered the phrase, “If I won the lottery, I’d. . . ” more often then I care to admit.  Often times the ending of that statement depends on my mood or the situation.  Sometimes it may be to move to Australia, buy a new car, travel, or go on a shopping spree.  Other times it will be that I’d donate some, do something for friends and family or something along those lines.

These answers reflect my wants, interests, needs.  These are things that will make me happy (or so I think), more comfortable, or add value to my life.

What is stopping me – or any of us – from at least indulging in a version of these wishes?  Why are we writing them off as something that can only be accomplished with the prerequisite of having loads of money or time?

Why not do them now?  If these are things that truly are important to us, why wait? 


Long and Winding Road


It always has been a part of my life. Whether making, listening, or discovering, it has been a constant.  I have a lot of memories related to music – good, bad, odd, different – but they show the deep my connection to music and my feelings.  Granted this is something that, for the most part, I keep to myself.  More on this later. . .

I started playing music formally in 4th grade.  Started out playing the flute.  I really wanted to play the alto saxophone, but the music guy said that I couldn’t with braces (even though my dentist said i could!) and my mom vetoed my second choice of trombone.  Played the flute for 2.5 years in my school band and then made the switch to what became my primary instrument – the alto sax.  I still took private lessons on the flute for a few more years, along with the alto.  I found something that I was good at.  Something that made me happy.  Something that people could recognize me for.  Something I wanted to have be a part of my life then and into the future.

Then high school hit.


Have no fear for givin’ in
Have no fear for givin’ over
You better know that in the end
It’s better to say too much
Than to never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shakin’
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closin’
Do it with a heart wide open 

Say what you need to say

– John Mayer “Say”

Often times I find that song lyrics provide me the words that I can’t find on my own – it could be something that describes a mood I’m in, my views on a situation, or words I want to say to someone.  Regardless of where the words come from, we should never be afraid to share them.  Make sure you tell someone that you care about them, that you value them, that you appreciate what the bring to your life – you never know when they won’t be around anymore.


Back to Square One, kinda. . .

Just when you think you have everything figured out, something happens to shake things up again.

As I mentioned in a previous post, in the summer of 2009 I was diagnosed with a number of food allergies.  The allergist at the time indicated that if I cut these foods out of my diet, I should start to feel better.  However, in the 1.5 yrs since, there have been mixed results – with an underlying theme of being constantly tired and having epically low levels of Vitamin D.

Fast forward to 2011 – New doctor –> new allergist –> new round of allergy tests –> new results

What does this mean?


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