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It’s summer in Minnesota – finally!  The sun is shining.  I can drive with my windows down and the sunroof open.  I can hangout in my backyard and not *have* to have a fire going.

I am happy.

Still plugging away at the whole yoga thing.  It’s actually been kinda fun since I can go at my own pace and not feel like I’m being judged by others in a class. I can already feel some of my muscles responding (with some discomfort – but not pain!) and my shoulder isn’t protesting.

It’s also amusing to be in the downward facing dog during my sun salutations, and look over to see this guy doing the same thing. It seems as if Scout may like the whole yoga thing too.  The cats, not so much.

I’m happy to have also found some creative inspiration again.  I’m also working on reorganizing my existing photography and other projects so I can share.  Expect some of the results to show up here soon.

Time for some relaxation and more House MD on Netflix.

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