My Recent Ramblings
What is this feeling?
Twice yesterday, I received a comment from someone that made made me pause and think, "is it really that obvious?!?" Now, one may think this was a negative thing, but it wasn't. In fact, it is extremely empowering and smile inducing. This was the case yesterday when...
Carry on. . .
Hola! Como esta? It's been awhile since I've had time to write. I know, I know, super lame excuse, but it's the truth. I'm also working on moving this lil' thing I do here from Posterous to Wordpress and also developing this into a bit more of a "site" instead of a...
“Dream your dreams but don’t pretend, make friends with what you are”
The song "The Age of Worry" off of the latest release from John Mayer has been on repeat on my Spotify. Musically, it is quite lovely - both the full album and some acoustic versions I have heard. In addition, the lyrics just speak to me and are great reminders as...
My Personal Manifesto #ccprompt1
What is a manifesto? For me, it's a mantra - a series of words that reflect how I live my life (or try to) and give me reminders to stay focused on what makes me happy. I've posted this mantra before, but it's somethat that deserves repeating. . . . . Be thankful....
A brief reminder. . . .
Just a few things I recently pinned on Pinterest that I wanted to share here as well. I've begun my journey along my my longer-term Five Minute Plan (which was featured on You, Me, & Charlie! I'm still in awe that this happened, but I digress), and I couldn't be...
Five Minutes
Just wanted to share something that I recently submitted to the site You, Me, & Charlie. Now, I don't know if it will get posted there *crossing my fingers that it will*, but I wanted to share it here too, since it's a message that is a great reminder for all of...
No shame in needing help
Last night I was sad to hear about the passing of Whitney Houston. She had a true gift which will live on through her music.
Addiction is a real, and often fatal, struggle for many people. Too often people do not know how or where to get help – in some cases due to barriers to access or the stigma related to such problems. The same is true for other mental illnesses as well.
This leads me to pose the question: When can there be a real discussion about how mental health is as important as physical heath?
I came to an odd realization this weekend. . .
I will admit, I never really listened to Bjork before, a sad byproduct of the apparent musical cave I live in. (I'm working on it, the whole "expanding my musical horizons thing"). However after I saw a mention of one of her songs somewhere, I fired up one of the...
If only all Monday mornings were like this. . .
This Monday was one for me. Not for anyone else. Just me. And it was fabulous. Why? It was different. While, this is a one-time thing (not having to be at work until noon), it was needed, wanted, and exactly perfect. Simplicity was the theme of the morning. I...
Looking back is for the birds.
Or is it? Is looking back and thinking about our previous actions and thoughts and experiences a good thing? Or is it an exercise in futility since we can't go back and change or undo the past? Does it provide clarity and the opportunity to learn from a distance? ...
Where will you be 5 years from now?
How many times have you been asked - or asked yourself - this question. How much time or energy have you spent crafting your answer to this? It seems like more often than not, the answers to this question tend to be of the "established in my career, married, 2.5...
2011 (or the year Melissa got her groove back)
2011. Oh, what a year you were. You provided some great times and some not so great times. A lot of people hated you and can't wait to move ahead to the next year. My feelings towards you are a bit more complex and live quite firmly in the gray area between hate...
What do “Milk” and “Schindler’s List” have in common?
On the surface, this question makes little sense – one movie is about the first openly gay man to be elected to major public office in he US and the other is about the horrors of WWII – but to me they both speak to some core aspects of humanity that seem to persevere regardless of era.
I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it? Probably not, but…
Together, anything is possible. Together, we can go to the stars and beyond. Together, we can reach higher, move faster, & do more. Together, dreams become reality. Yesterday I had one of those days where I found my self faced with a problem: my mind was bursting...
Something’s coming. . . .and it’s gonna be great?!?
I came across another post on Thought Catalog today that just kind of hit me - not in a bad way, but more in the "this is an interesting thing to think about. . .". To be honest, at first I was drawn in mainly because of the title, because who doesn't want wisdom...
Something to think about during this long holiday weekend. . . .
From the post "How to Stop Caring So Much" at Thought Catalog: "But there are ways to care less and to just be who you are. Being who you are doesn’t mean suddenly becoming a giant jerk to everyone you know but it does mean surrounding yourself with people who...
You had me at meat tornado?
Cats. The internet is made up of approximately 75% cat related items - videos, pictures, shopping, you name it, it's out there. Yesterday, my roomie shared with me one of the most-funny cat related things I have seen on the internet in a long time - Cats that Look...
Thanks. Gracias. Danke.
Throughout the month of November, I have been posting things I am thankful for on Facebook. Now, I will admit, I got the idea after seeing other people doing the same thing, but I probably will continue this even after the month is over. For me, this is more than some...