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What is this feeling?

Twice yesterday, I received a comment from someone that made made me pause and think, “is it really that obvious?!?”

Now, one may think this was a negative thing, but it wasn’t.  In fact, it is extremely empowering and smile inducing.  This was the case yesterday when it was pointed out how happy I seemed.  There is something awesome when someone can tell you are truly happy with where you are in your life.

Genuine happiness is a thing that can’t be faked.

Live it. Embrace it. Share it.

Carry on. . .

Carry on. . .

Hola!  Como esta?

It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to write.  I know, I know, super lame excuse, but it’s the truth.  I’m also working on moving this lil’ thing I do here from Posterous to WordPress and also developing this into a bit more of a “site” instead of a just a blog.  It’s an ongoing process, as life is, but I’m looking forward to using the creative skills of some of my friends to make this something that truly reflects me, what I do, who I am, and looks cool too.

I’ve had a lot of changes as of late – some pretty major ones – but I’m experiencing this thing that I believe is called happiness!  😉  I’ll probably recap some of the stuff at some point, but suffice it to say, all is well in my world and I feel good, happy, content, excited, and a whole bunch of other positive emotions.

I will sign off for now with some lyrics from a song and group I’ve been listening to a lot as of late –

“Cause we are
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we’re miles away
So we’ll come
We will find our way home”
“Carry On” by Fun.

My Personal Manifesto #ccprompt1

What is a manifesto?  For me, it’s a mantra – a series of words that reflect how I live my life (or try to) and give me reminders to stay focused on what makes me happy.  I’ve posted this mantra before, but it’s somethat that deserves repeating. . . . .

Be thankful. Be happy. Be in the moment. Learn from the past, live for today and prepare yourself for the future. Don’t be afraid to do, be afraid of not doing. Embrace change and the unknown. Learn and share. Take care of you. Give yourself to others. Dream. Be the brightest star you can. Live.


A brief reminder. . . .

Just a few things I recently pinned on Pinterest that I wanted to share here as well.  I’ve begun my journey along my my longer-term Five Minute Plan (which was featured on You, Me, & Charlie!  I’m still in awe that this happened, but I digress), and I couldn’t be more happy with my decision.  It’s time to do things for me, on my terms, and to truly listen to myself – and not the wishes of others – on my quest for happiness.

I hope to be sharing more here over the coming months, as well as developing my online photo portfolio so I can share more of that work as well.

I hope you are all well, and please, take some time for you this weekend – you deserve it!

Five Minutes

Just wanted to share something that I recently submitted to the site You, Me, & Charlie.  Now, I don’t know if it will get posted there *crossing my fingers that it will*, but I wanted to share it here too, since it’s a message that is a great reminder for all of us.


During an unseasonably warm Saturday afternoon, I found myself lost in the moment playing on the swings at an elementary school in the city I now call home, carefree, lost in a moment of pure joy, enjoying the sun and in awe of the simple beauty of my surroundings.  This was not where I planned to be at that moment, but I let myself wander and indulge in something that made me happy.  It is in these moments of wandering that I find that I gain insight into myself, and can truly seen how I have grown and developed into the person I am today. 

I know that even if I try to plan each day, each moment, each experience, there are some things that are just out of my control.  But I am excited.  I am excited about decisions I am making for me, for my life, for my happiness and growth.  I am focusing on a five minute plan – things I can do in the near future to have a more immediate impact.  Not what someone tells me to.  Not what I think I should be doing, but what I want to do; something that adds meaning to my life or makes me happy.  It doesn’t have to be something huge, but it will have an impact and move you further towards your ultimate goals.  At the end of day, these are the things that I know make me feel rewarded and fulfilled.

This approach allows for more freedom, more exploration, more chances to try new and different things since I’m not tying myself to any one path.  I’m trying not to be afraid of making some wrong turns.  I’m listening to my heart, working on being happy, and following what inspires me. I may end up taking a slight detour, but I believe I’m still on my way to where I am meant to be. 

As I meander down this road I find myself traveling on, I’ve developed the following mantra: Be thankful. Be happy. Be in the moment. Learn from the past, live for today and prepare yourself for the future. Don’t be afraid to do, be afraid of not doing. Embrace change and the unknown. Learn and share. Take care of you. Give yourself to others. Dream. Be the brightest star you can. Live.

Long story short?  Don’t be afraid of the detours.  Have some fun, let yourself wander, and enjoy life.

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